Thursday, September 17, 2015

Long Time Coming

Dearest MJ,

It has been quite some time since the last time I added a post to this blob. This is me fiercely apologizing about putting you belong on an unexpected hiatus. 

Now, Queue the Excuses:
1.     every day life got in the way
2.     trip to Florida, and we drove, so no time to write

3.     break in the daily routine
4.     back to school madness
5.     lots of course work needed to be complete so…

Regardless of all the excuses, I am happy that you are sitting with me as I write this apology letter. You and I have shared some wonderful times this past quiet month. You and I have stayed up late
My copilot assisting me on this writing journey.
watching Last Week with John Oliver, we've read some books (or you've fallen asleep as I read you books), we've also sung songs at bedtime to Jackie, sung songs in the car and had some Single Dad Time when mom had plans with her friends or school events.

You and I have been like two peas in a pod. You've even played a little bit with a bottle. But, you are still holding out on taking a bottle unlike your peers. I am not surprised though. You're a Bruff. So you'll grow to do things your own way from time to time. There will be instances when you'll be heralded a trend setter, while other times people will look at you with an eyebrow raised wondering what beat of the drum you are going to. But I'll love no matter what, so just do your thing girl.

One thing I'd like to update you on over this past month was something your mother was extremely excited about. We both decided to help you add some more meat to your bones. We introduced you to solid food (if you could call it solid). That went marginally better than taking a bottle. MJ, you made the classic face of disgust when we pulled the switch a rue on you. To best understand what happened when you first took a spoonful of "solid" food, take a look at the video.

Nonetheless, I've missed writing about your accomplishments. There are a bunch of unfinished posts that I've started. So I know where to begin and I will be able to catch you up on the past month pretty quickly. Once again, I apologize for not posting more, but you'll soon be inundated with posts as make-ups.



1 comment:

  1. Glad you are back. Missed hearing about Michaela's adventures. <3
