Saturday, June 18, 2016

First Steps

My baby girl can walk. All it took was a trip to grandma and grandpa's house over the memorial day weekend. Fourteen months is just the right amount of time for MJ to figure out how to put one foot in front of the other and stay on balance. Now we've got to transition into a full time walk. 

Enjoy the video!

Friday, June 3, 2016

Happy Birthday

      Precious, your mother's birthday is today. I think now is a great time for you to reflect on all the things you've done up to this point in her life. So far you have learned how to sign "more" and "all done," you've learned to say momma and dada, you can yell at your brother when you want something and you can scale along the side of furniture until you get to a place that you want.

      However, take a look into the life of your "life bringer." I am hoping this brings you some clarity. Just so you know, the theme song to many songs is, " I Wanna Dance with Somebody." That is your mama's favorite song. Apparently, you love the song, too. Every time it comes on, you shake your little rump.