Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Malicious Hiccup

The Evil Hiccups
an MJ POV Short Story

Hiccup, they are my arch nemesis. It is the most vial creatures, if it is even a creature (it has to be), that infect the body. How or why you ask? Well, I'll tell you. When I am sitting peacefully in my Mom-a-Rue, minding my own business without a care in the world, Hiccup comes in and disturbs the peace like a teenager blasting their car stereo.

No one, not even me, knows why it comes or what it wants. Hiccup strikes everyone without warning and comes and goes as it pleases. It makes my whole body shake. I make a noise that is ungodly and sometimes I pee if Hiccup is too strong.

Without fail, when the evil Hiccup lasts too long, I cry :(

It's so uncomfortable.

One day I got Hiccup when my parents brought me to their favorite restaurant, the Horseshoe, to get nachos. Well, I was committed to have a good night and I wouldn't let hiccups get in the way. After all, I had a full belly, I was snoozing because of the ambient noise in my car ride. That's what I'd call bliss for any 3.5 week old like myself.


Just like that, one hiccup.

Another hiccup.

Another hiccup....I am sure you can see where this is going. Hiccup crashed the party like an ex- invited by your best friend who still thinks she's in the circle!

I decided that I would just suck it up and deal with it. My parents deserve a night out, right? Even if they decide to bring Jackie and I. They still should be able to go out and enjoy a nice night out with the whole fam-bam Hiccup with ruining the night.

Anyways, I was just hanging out in my car seat and I tried to keep the evil Hiccup in. No one had ever explained what would happen if I did. Well I'll tell you what happens in case you want to try it on your own (I don't advise you trying what I did). Whatever you've last ate (in my case, what I drank) will come back up. Yup, all my dinner came out and all over my onesie. I was soaked to the bone like an anchor a sea.

Now my mom is well versed in dealing with hiccups (pun fully intended), they are nothing but small roadblocks. Mommy did her best to clean me up in the restroom but I just couldn't get comfy again. That evil Hiccup just wouldn't leave me be. I kept hiccuping and hiccuping. I just couldn't get comfortable although I got passed around the table like a peace pipe at a pow wow. So, I cried.

The moment we left the restaurant, Hiccup too off. And just like that, I stopped hiccuping and went to sleep. I actually slept really well because I was so tired.

One day evil Hiccup, I will defeat you. I don't know when, I don't know the place but mark my words. I. Will. Defeat. You. Just you wait and see.


noun hic·cup \ˈhi-(ˌ)kəp\
: a sound in your throat that is caused by a sudden, uncontrolled movement of muscles in your chest after you have eaten or drunk too much or too quickly
hiccups : a condition in which you make hiccups repeatedly
: a small problem, change, or delay

Full Definition of HICCUP

:  a spasmodic inhalation with closure of the glottis accompanied by a peculiar sound 
:  an attack of hiccuping —usually used in plural but singular or plural in construction
a :  a slight irregularity, error, or malfunction <a few hiccups in the computer system>
b :  a usually minor and short-lived interruption or disruption, or change <a hiccup in the stock market>

"hiccup," Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2015, http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hiccup

1 Month Old

My baby girl is one month old. Enough said.

Top 10 Accomplishments this month:

  1. The hiccups are AWFUL!
  2. My eyes will stay open for up to an hour.
  3. I wake up mom and dad during the night time from 2-4am on a regular basis.
  4. Nursing is going as well as expected.
  5. I can kind of hold my head up.
  6. I've had my eyes poked by Jackie (he says, "Eyes," and then pokes me). 
  7. I like being jostled and moved around (shaken, not stirred).
  8. I sleep up to 5hrs at a time. 
  9. I am very gassy but music and humming help soothe me.
  10. I've outgrown newborn clothing and now I wear 0-3 month clothing.

Jackie (left) and MJ (right) at one month old.

Family Fun Day

April 19, 2015

What a special day. With temps in the mid 50s and rising to the mid 60s, I knew it was going to be a special day. But when I woke up I wasn't aware of how special the day would end up being. It really all started with Kimmy asking if we could go to the Zoo because it was a nice day. Obviously I said yes.

After looking up what time the Zoo opening we all got ready (Kim packed changed diapers and packed snacks) and we piled in the car. After getting on Interstate 93, I asked Kim how long she planned to be out. When she told me what time, I knew that we were not thinking about going to the same zoo.

Kim thought I had looked up the hours for the Franklin Park Zoo in Franklin Park (South Side of Boston). In reality, I looked up the hours for the Stone Zoo in Stoneham. Although the Franklin Park Zoo is much bigger and has more animals, I thought Kim wanted MJ and Jackie home at a reasonable time for a nap. So, I assumed that we would be going close to home. After some swerving on the highway and dipping in and out of lanes, I reached a decision to go to the Stone Zoo before passing the exit.

Image result for stone zoo
Stone Zoo Map
Although it wasn't the Zoo that Kim planned to go to, we all had a blast. MJ slept the whole time. Jackie stayed in the stroller and was obsessed with the black bears. Kim wore MJ in the Baby Bjorn. And I loved seeing the jaguar. I can't wait to bring the kids back when they are older so they can get more out of it.

Momma and MJ.

After being there for an hour or so, we left and headed to Dairy Delight in Malden. Now this place has a special significance to Kim (mom). You see, Kimmy worked there the first year of the new management. She also worked there all through high school and into college. In fact, I can remember when Kim worked there. I even remember when she hung up her moo-licious pants for good (maybe I'll share one of those stories in a different post).

To understand the connection to Dairy Delight, it may cause some bogglement to your mind so I'll spell it out as simple as possible. Kathy Stanton is the owner. She is GG's cousin. Simple, but it can be complicated when you try to figure out if Kathy is a second or third cousin. But the most complex thing about the Stantons is that there are so many of them. They're hard to keep straight. But that's a topic for a different day.

Upon leaving Dairy Delight we needed to rush home for many reasons (naptime, bathroom breaks, and the snacks were gone). Kim decided to finalize plans so she called GG and Poppa Tommy. They were in Florida for 3 weeks and they wanted to have us over so they could spend some time with their grandkids. We had planned to go over after nap time but GG made a convincing argument. Instead, we decided to head over their house earlier. That way we could all hang out longer while the kiddos napped.

So we headed over up to Andover to see Mickey, Amanda, GG and Poppa Tommy. Obviously Jackie didn't nap when he was put down. He spent the entire 3 hours throwing toys. MJ was a dream. She just slept, ate, and pooped. And then slept, ate and pooped some more. We ended up spending most of the day there.

This may just sound like a boring book report or a list story of the different events from the Sunday but it was more than that. It was a day filled with family. Although I could go back and edit this post to be sure that the meaning of family is intertwined throughout this piece, I think I'd rather just say,
"This past Sunday Family Day was awesome!" 

Mom, Jackie (signing more), MJ (in the Baby Bjorn), and "Bananas" the Black Bear in the background.
  Nothing beats hanging with the "fam-bam."

Monday, April 6, 2015

First Walk at Lake Quannapowitt

Today was the first of many walks around Lake Quannapowitt with MJ. I know there is no way she'd remember it because she slept the whole time. Plus, being less than a month old might have something to do with it. But it was super nice to be able to get out and enjoy some fresh air.

With the temps in the mid 40s because of the wind, it was a beautiful day. MJ, get used to our walks around the lake. After all, we live about a mile away.

MJ (top) and Jackie (bottom) in the parking lot adjacent to the softball fields.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Why the Blog?

So, you may be wondering why there is a blog titled Michaela Joelle. Hmm, why is there a blog titled Michaela Joelle?


I had been racking my brain trying to figure out what I wanted to give you as your first birthday present. Not on your first birthday, but an on going present that I thought could be given to you symbolically on your birthday (the actual day you were born). For your brother, I wrote in a journal every three or four days from the moment we knew to expect him up until he was born. I thought I should do something different for you because, after all,  you are a different child.

So why do the same thing for the two of you, right?

Anyways, I was struggling to come up with a creative idea of what I should do for your present. After talking with a couple of different people at work one of them gave me a great suggestion. My colleague listened to what I did for Jackie and then suggested that I write a new journal but from a different angle. Instead of writing about different events happening while you were in the womb, I should write down experinces from your life from the moment you are born: milestones, interesting things you do, and other events that happen within the family.

I thought for you I could write something that would be easy for you to navigate (a blog). I don't imagine you'll enjoy every written piece. You may have your favorite entry, so I'd want you to be able to find it efficiently. Also, I thought I should write a blog that is inspired by you. For example, writing about your milestones, writing stories that have been inspired by things you're doing, and writing about events that I am looking forward to. Does that sound exactly like what my colleague said? Well, it was similar but different.

What do you think?

Stomach Bug

Today your mother and I were really worried about you not feeling good. And no, this is not an April Fools Day joke. Last night you threw up two times. First, all over yourself. Then, the second time all in your hair.

Real cute. It was a joy to clean up after you.

Seriously though, we were very worried because Jackie, your mother, Aunty Mandy, Uncle Mickey, GG, Aunt Allison and I all just had the stomach bug too. In fact, that is part of the reason why you were born when you were born.

After going to the doctor, we found out that you are okay. Apparently there is nothing that we can do to help you get over your bug. Dr. Asch said that you are showing all the appropriate signs that you are still "healthy." I guess when your mouth losses the saliva and when you stop using the bathroom, then we have to worry about your being dehydrated.

Let's hope it doesn't get to you being dehydrated. We've been to the doctor's office 3 times in the last week and a half with you already. I think they are already beginning to recognize us on sight and not from the on going chart.