I am the luckiest man alive because I've got great siblings who traveled far and wide to spend time with their niece. Whether it is making the flight from Puerto Rico or driving back and forth from Philly to take part in the events of a one year old birthday party. I am the luckiest man alive because I've got parents who make the one hundred mile journey to spend precious moments with their precious granddaughter.
I'm the luckiest man alive. My in-laws have done more than I can give credit for and have always been there when Kim and I need them most. I am the luckiest man alive because my wife's siblings have made an effort to build relationships that go deeper than being called aunt and uncle.
I am the luckiest man alive because the friends we have. They aren't friends, they are as close as family. They have been there as soundboards to listen in on the frustrating times, scaffolds by helping out when we go on adventures, and they've even been babysitters when they want us to get out.
The saying, "It takes a village to raise a child," is widely known. Yet it is completely understated. It takes a the love of those around you to raise a child. And MJ is lucky to have the love and support of so many people.
Thank you so much for always being there for her, my family and myself.
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