Thursday, December 24, 2015

9 Months

MJ  is nine months old, yeehaw!!

Top 10 Accomplishments this month:

  1. 2 teeth have poked through.
  2. Really enjoys puffs and fruit.
  3. Tries to communicate with Jackie through laughs and giggles.
  4. No longer sleeping through the night.
  5. Has hearing loss due to fluid in her ears.
  6. Loves the swing at the park.
  7. Gets mad when Jackie takes her toys.
  8. Will wave when you say hello.
  9. Can clap hands when asked.
  10. Attempting and learning how to sign "more."

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Polar Express

Jackie checking out the book, The Polar Express.
On November 22nd, we all had a chance to take advantage of going to the North Pole on the Polar Express. Mostly because Kim and I are blessed to have people who care about us and our family. With that being said, we went to North Conway to take a train to see Santa. The train ride brought the book The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg to life.

Highlights from the day include: hanging out with Chris & Ali Pyott, going to the Golden Egg in Portsmouth for a pancake breakfast, riding the train and singing Christmas carols, seeing Santa at the North Pole, watching the elves hard at work on making toys, and eating pizza at Flatbread Pizza Co. Pretty much, we really enjoyed experiencing all of what New Hampshire had to offer us.

The Bruffs had a wonderful time, actually, we had a great time and we look forward to doing it again in the future.